Location: Long Beach, California, United States

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

How the Raven Stole the Sun
Long, long ago the world was completely dark. Raven, a very clever bird, knew that a family had taken the sun. They hid it in their lodge, in a bentwood box.
Raven had a plan to steal the sun back. He became a baby! When the family saw this cute little baby, they brought him into their home. But Raven began to cry all the time. He drove the family crazy with his strange wild screams. "What does he want?" they asked each other. Raven pointed to a beautifully carved cedar box in the corner of the lodge. Unable to bear his screaming, the family gave it to him.
As soon as no one was watching, Raven turned himself back into a bird. With a loud "Ca-aw!" he snatched up the box and flew out through the smoke-hole of the lodge. As he flew, Raven opened the cedar sun-box, and sunlight flooded the world.
- A Native American legend from the Pacific Northwest Coast


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